Cycles is Coming Very Soon!!!
Wednesday, November 10th!! We will drop the next
single from our upcoming record, Heaven is a Chemical.
The song is called Cycles. It will be available on all
streaming platforms. As with Buried, a lyric video is in
the works to coincide with it. While Buried was more of
a peek into the record, Cycles is the first in a series of our
top picked singles on the road to the record release.
We will announce all the info in the near future.
To give you a little behind the song, we refer to our vocalist.
“I have a tendency to prioritize a lot before myself. Sometimes
to the point of exhaustion both mentally and physically. Generally,
I don’t see it as a problem, though there are times it feels all for
naught. The problem come what I need help and can’t bring
myself to ask for it until I am tired and drowning in it. I just
act like nothing is wrong. It’s this weird combination of pride
and feeling like a burden to everyone. I feel that way til it gets
to the point where I become cynical, moody, and just extremely
negative. I keep going in this circle. One day, I fear that this
might push everyone around me away and when I’m finally
ready to reach out, they might not be there to pull me up.
I think this is something a lot of people face daily. When Kevin
brought me the riffs for this song, it really pulled it all to the
surface. Putting this stuff to music has helped me start to be
more cognizant of these things. I hope this song finds those
who might need that same help to recognize it and break that
cycle to avoid my mistake.”
#cycles #pariahwasone #moretocome #newmusic #comingsoon #metal
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