“Plea came some what organically. We started working on it when Wil was still jamming with us. Kev and Wil started playing this riff and I felt it. I knew exactly what I needed to get out. And I pushed for it. It evolved, of course. I keep no secrets in the music. Many know Paisley was me processing my Mom’s passing, Plea is mainly the aftermath of my Dad’s passing. In many ways, it is how I feel about them both being gone, but it stems a lot from my Father. I was close with my Dad. I wasn’t the best son, but he always did his best my me. He was my first and biggest hero. His departure left a vast unfillable void. In a lot of ways, I blame myself for a lot of things in his passing. And in these last years, when I needed his advice and guidance the most, I have had to converse with only the silence. This was my call to the Ether.”