It’s Terminal [Single]

It’s Terminal [Single]

Artist: Pariah Was One
Release Date: 27-9-2024
Genre: Metal

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It's Terminal

Can you hold your stance?
When you’re mixed up in the dance
The soirée that’s come to define
The terminal condition of mankind

To be alive
Coincides with
Pain and strife
We deny that
We will thrive in
This deranged, unkind
Way of life that
We have made

Like trying to bleed a stone
We grind ourselves down to the bone
Selling off what we can’t regain
For something worthless in the end

Keep faith as the self enslaved
That the system will save the day
Human experience was replaced
With cancer we love and embrace

To be alive
Coincides with
Pain and strife
We deny that
We will thrive in
This deranged, unkind
Way of life that
We have made

Drained til empty
Yet you smile and go for more
The lie we buy
That this is a normal life

To be alive
Coincides with
Pain and strife
We deny that
We will thrive in
This deranged, unkind
Way of life that
We have made

We have made


About Album

“Without getting too deep into the symptoms, It’s Terminal is stating that the cycle we have created in our society though various means, be it Government, love of money or fame, blah blah blah, has become a death sentence. It has eroded our morals, creativity, and our spirits and we act like it is normal. What’s worse is that some survive on it…or they think they do. As it will tear them apart as well, whether they see it or not. It’s something that has weighed on me a lot over several years. So much that I was unable to part with the feeling in totality, but getting out a little this way lifted some of the weight.”